Adding a Super Sort activity

In a Super Sort activity, students sort items into one of two categories. Items disappear if a student sorts it to the correct category, and the item is sent back to be resorted if it’s sorted incorrectly. Add optional game components to make the activity even more engaging.

You can preview an activity from the Add an Activity window.

ClosedTo preview an activity

  1. Press Preview this Activity.

    The Activity Preview window opens, giving detailed information about the activity.

  2. Press Cancel to close the window or press Add this Activity to continue building the activity.

ClosedTo add a Super Sort sorting activity

  1. To open Lesson Activity Builder, press the toolbar icon in the Notebook toolbar. The Add an activity window opens.

  2. Scroll to locate the Super Sort activity and press Add this Activity.

    The Choose design Template and Theme window opens.

  3. Select a Super Sort theme from either the Just Jungling or Sort in Space sorting activities. The selected activity is highlighted with a blue box.

  4. Press Next

    The Add an Activity Add Content dialog window opens.

  5. In Category Name, type the name you want to use for the category.

  6. In Category Content, type category content names, drag and drop the sort items associated with the category, or edit content. Alternatively, you can add category content from a previously saved list or paste content from an Excel® spreadsheet or text document. For more information about adding content, see Managing Lesson Activity Builder content.

  7. Perform the same actions for the category on the right.

  8. Press Next. The Add game components dialog box opens. Select an optional game component if desired. See Adding a game component to your activity.

  9. Press Finish.

    LAB builds the activity, and it will be ready for use after a few moments.


  • You can navigate Lesson Activity Builder by pressing one of the navigation buttons at the top of the Activity Creation wizard.

  • You can preview an activity from the Add an Activity menu.

    Press Preview this Activity to open the Super Sort Activity Preview. The preview gives you more information about the activity you have chosen.

    Press Cancel to close the window or Add this Activity to continue building your activity.

  • Use the Activity Restart button to restart the current activity. This button is located at the top right of the LAB activity page.

  • Use the Activity Edit button to open the Add an Activity window. This button is located at the top right of the LAB activity page.