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LightRaise 60wi interactive projector
You are here: Remotely managing your interactive projector > E-mail alerts

E-mail alerts

This menu enables you to enter your preferred address for receiving e-mail alerts and adjust related settings.

Submenu setting


E-mail Alert

Selects Enable to turn on or Disable to turn off the E-mail Alert function.


Displays or allows you to set the e-mail address of the e-mail alert recipient.


Displays or allows you to set the e-mail address of the e-mail alert “copy to” recipient.


Displays or allows you to set the e-mail address of the user who sends the e-mail alert.


Displays or allows you to set the e-mail alert subject.

Outgoing SMTP server

Displays or allows you to set the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server that you use on your network.


Displays or allows you to set the SMTP server user name.


Displays or allows you to set the SMTP server password.

Alert Condition

Sends e-mail alerts whenever Lamp Warning, Low Lamp Life, Temperature Warning and Fan Lock conditions occur.

Select the settings you want, and then click Submit.


The projector sends an alert e-mail (SMART Alert) to your e-mail address. Click E-mail Alert Test to confirm that your e-mail address and SMTP server settings are correct by sending a test e‑mail (SMART Alert-Test Mail).

If the settings are not correct, the e-mail alert messages aren’t sent or received successfully and no warning or notification message are available to advise of this state.