Adding a Page to the Gallery

If you want to reuse a page, you can add it to the Gallery's My Content category so that it's available in a convenient location.


You can also add supported files and objects from the current page to the Gallery.

You can organize the My Content category to include subcategories.

To add a page to the Gallery

  1. Create, edit and manipulate objects on the page until it appears exactly as you want it to appear.

  1. Select File > Save Page as Gallery Item.

The Save Page as Gallery Item dialog box appears.

  1. Browse to the folder where you want to save the page.

  2. Type a name for the page in the File name box.

  1. Press Save.

  2. Select My Content (or one of its subcategories) in the Gallery's category list, press its menu arrow, and then select Add to My Content.

The Add to My Content dialog box appears.

  1. Browse to and select the item that you saved in step 5.

  2. Press Open.