Solving Mathematical Expressions

If you insert or write a mathematical expression into a page, you can solve this expression and display the complete equation using the available menu options.


You can also generate graphs from equations.

SMART Notebook Math Tools can solve some equations numerically but not symbolically, and it can solve some equations symbolically but not numerically. If a solution type isn't available, you're unable to select it in the menu.

To solve an expression numerically

  1. Select the equation.

  2. Press the equation's menu arrow, and then select Math Actions > Simplify Numerically.

To solve an expression symbolically

  1. Select the equation.

  2. Press the equation's menu arrow, and then select Math Actions > Simplify Symbolically.

To find an equation's zero value

  1. Select the equation.

  2. Press the equation's menu arrow, and then select Math Actions > Find Zeroes.

To find an equation's minimum and maximum values

  1. Select the equation.

  2. Press the equation's menu arrow, and then select Math Actions > Find Extrema.