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You are here: Maintenance and troubleshooting > Setting the language

Setting the language

The SMART Language Setup utility enables you to set the language for a specific SMART application or all SMART applications installed on your computer.

ClosedTo set the language

  1. Select Options > Language Setup.

    The Language Setup dialogue box appears.

  2. Select All Listed Applications in the first drop-down list to set the language for all applications.


    Select an application in the first drop-down list to set the language for only that application.

  3. Select the appropriate language in the second drop-down list.


    • IfTick icon appears beside your selected language, the language is installed on your computer.

    • IfDownload icon appears beside your selected language, the SMART Language Setup utility downloads the language from the website after you press OK.

    • By default, the SMART Language Setup utility uses Internet Explorer Internet browser’s settings to connect to the Internet. However, you can use different settings by completing the steps under the next procedure.


    To display the languages in their native names (for example, Deutsch for German), select the Show native names tickbox.

  4. If you want to use different languages for handwriting recognition and spell checking, select languages in the Handwriting recognition and Spell check drop-down lists.


    If AUTO appears in the drop-down list, the SMART Language Setup selects your chosen language if available or a similar language if otherwise. If neither option is available, SMART Language Setup selects the current language.

  5. If you want to use a different keyboard layout, select a layout in the Keyboard input language drop-down list.


    The Keyboard input language drop-down list is available only if there’s more than one keyboard layout installed on your computer.

    The keyboard layout you select in the Keyboard input language drop-down list applies to both the on-screen keyboard and the keyboard connected to your computer when you use SMART software.

    In some situations, you might want to select a layout that is different from the layout of the keyboard connected to your computer (for example, to teach a second language). In these situations, the on-screen keyboard works correctly, but the keyboard connected to your computer might not.

    For best results, ensure that the layout you select is identical to the layout of the keyboard connected to your computer. For example, if an English (US) keyboard is connected to your computer, select English (United States) in this drop-down list.

    For information on keyboard layouts, see‑us/goglobal/bb964651.

  6. Press OK.

ClosedTo set the connection options

  1. Select Options > Language Setup.

    The Language Setup dialogue box appears.

  2. Press Connection Options.

    The Connection Options dialogue box appears.

  3. Select Use Internet Explorer settings.


    Select Use other proxy and then type the host, user name and password in the appropriate boxes.

  4. Press OK.

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Last updated May 09, 2015.

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