Changing the Background of a Page

You can change a page's background color to another color, a gradient of two colors, a pattern or an image.

NOTE: You can also customize a page, all the pages in a group, or all the pages in a file by applying a theme.

To change a background to a solid color

  1. Select Format > Background Color.

The Properties tab displays Fill Effects options.

  1. Select Solid Fill.

  2. Press a color in the palette.

To change a background to a gradient of two colors

  1. Select Format > Background Color.

The Properties tab displays Fill Effects options.

  1. Select Gradient Fill.

  2. Press a color in each of the color palettes.

  3. Select an option in the Style list.

To change a background to a pattern

  1. Select Format > Background Color.

The Properties tab displays Fill Effects options.

  1. Select Pattern Fill.

  2. Press a pattern.

  3. Press Foreground Color, press a color in the palette, and then press OK.

  4. Press Background Color, press a color in the palette, and then press OK.

To change a background to an image

  1. Select Format > Background Color.

The Properties tab displays Fill Effects options.

  1. Select Image Fill.

  2. Press Browse.

  1. Browse to and select the image you want to use as a background, and then press Open.

To remove a background

  1. Select Format > Background Color.

The Properties tab displays Fill Effects options.

  1. Select Solid Fill.

  2. Press No Fill in the color palette.

NOTE: If you want to remove a background that you applied to a page using the Gallery, you must remove it using the Popup menu.