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Education software 2014
Mac OS X
You are here: Beyond the basics > Presenting lesson activities to students > Using presentation tools while presenting > Using the Text Pen > Editing with the Text pen

Editing with the Text Pen

You can apply mark-ups and make revisions to editable text using the Text Pen. You can delete unwanted text by drawing a strike-through line through the text. You can also apply other mark-ups to insert spaces, to insert text and to replace text with new text.


Write your mark-ups in a different color from your editable text. This makes it easier for students to see your edits when you’re presenting writing lessons.

Examples of available mark-ups are defined in the following table:

Edit Instruction Example

Delete text

Draw a strike-through line through the text.

Insert space

Draw a vertical line in the text.

Example of insert space mark-up

Insert text

  1. Draw a caret ^ symbol where you want to insert text.

  2. Write the new text in the text box that appears.

    Words that most resemble what you’ve written display underneath your handwriting.

  3. Select a word to insert it as typed text. You can also pressAccept text conversion button to automatically select the word that appears as bold text.


    PressReject text conversion button to cancel insert text.

Example of insert text symbol

Replace text

  1. Draw a circle around the text you want to replace.

  2. Write the replacement text in the box that appears.

    Words that most resemble what you’ve written display underneath your handwriting.

  3. Select a word to replace the typed text. You can also pressAccept text conversion button to automatically select the word that appears as bold text.


    PressReject text conversion button to cancel replace text.

Example of the replace text symbol