You are here: Using SMART Notebook > Using SMART Notebook software in your classroom > Displaying files in different views and modes > Displaying files in Dual Page view

Displaying files in Dual Page view

You can display two pages side by side. You can draw, make notes, import files and add links on either page in the same way as you would on a single page.

When you’re displaying dual pages, you can pin a page to continue displaying it in the page area while you view other pages in the Page Sorter.

To display a file in Dual Page view

To pin a page

  1. If you haven’t done so already, display dual pages (see Displaying dual pages).

  2. Select the page immediately after the page you want to continue displaying.

    The page you select appears on the right side of the dual display. The page you want to continue displaying appears on the left side of the dual display.

  3. Select View > Zoom > Pin Page.

    Pin icons appear in the top corners of the pinned page.

To unpin a page

To return to standard view