You are here: Using SMART Notebook > Using your own content > Using content from other programs > Importing files from other interactive whiteboard programs

Importing files from other interactive whiteboard programs

You can import content into .notebook files from a variety of sources, including other whiteboard programs.

If the other whiteboard program supports the Interactive Whiteboard Common File Format (CFF), you can export a CFF file from the program and then import that CFF file into SMART Notebook software.

Otherwise, you can attempt to import the other interactive whiteboard program’s native file format.


You can also export CFF files (see Exporting files).

To import CFF files

  1. Select File > Import.

    The Open dialog box appears.

  2. Select All Common File Format Files (*.iwb) in the Files of type list.

  3. Browse to and select the file you want to import.

  4. Press Open.

    The file opens.

To import other files

  1. Press Open File .

    The Open dialog box appears.

  2. Select All Files (*.*) in the Files of type list.

  3. Browse to and select the file you want to open.

  4. Press Open.

    If you import a file that SMART Notebook software supports, the file opens.


    If you import a file that SMART Notebook software doesn’t support, SMART Notebook software adds it to the Attachments tab. You can open these attached files using third-party software, but you’re not able to add them to a page.

Related User Help

Importing content using SMART Notebook Print Capture

Importing PowerPoint files

Exporting files

Exporting files automatically