You are here: Using your interactive product > Working with Ink Aware programs > Disabling Ink Aware

Disabling Ink Aware

You can disable Ink Aware for a specific program or for all programs.

To disable Ink Aware

  1. Press the SMART Board icon in the notification area, and then select Control Panel.


    If your computer isn’t currently connected to an interactive product, the SMART Board icon includes an X in its lower-right corner .

  2. Press Configure SMART Tools.

  3. Press Ink Aware Program Settings.

    The Aware window appears.

    • If a check mark appears in the Aware Enabled column, the program is currently Ink Aware.

    • If the program is currently open, Running appears in the Status column.

  4. Do one of the following:

    • To disable Ink Aware for a program, clear the check box in the Aware Enabled column.

    • To disable Ink Aware for all software programs, press Clear All.

  5. Press OK.


    To enable Ink Aware for all programs, open the Aware dialog box, and then press Select All.

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