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Enabling two people to use a SMART Board 800 series interactive whiteboard

If you’re using a SMART Board 800 series interactive whiteboard, two people can create and manipulate objects in SMART Notebook software at the same time. Both people can create and manipulate objects in any area of the SMART Notebook software page. Neither user is restricted to a particular section of the page.

Dual-user collaboration mode is enabled when you pick up a pen from the pen tray. One user creates or manipulates objects with his or her finger (“the touch user”). The other user creates or manipulates objects with the pen (“the pen user”).


Selecting tools

To change tools or to set properties for touch, the touch user must press the appropriate button on the toolbar or control in the Properties tab with his or finger. The following is an example:

To change tools or to set properties for the pen, the pen user must press the appropriate button on the toolbar or control in the Properties tab with the pen. The following is an example:


Also in this section

Enabling two people to use a SMART Board D600 series interactive whiteboard