You are here: Using your interactive product > Configuring your interactive product > Setting up icon strips > Removing icon strips

Removing icon strips

If you set up a tool strip or custom icon strip, you can remove it at any time. After you physically remove the strip, you must remove its properties in SMART Hardware settings.

To remove icon strips

  1. Press the SMART Board icon in the notification area, and then select SMART Settings.

    Press the SMART Board icon in the system tray, and then select SMART Settings.


    If your computer isn’t currently connected to an interactive product, the SMART Board icon includes an X in its lower-right corner .

  2. Press SMART Hardware Settings.

    If your computer is connected to more than one interactive product, the upper area of the SMART Settings window displays an image for each product. Press the image of the product you want to change settings for.

  3. Select Set Up Icon Strips in the drop-down list.

  4. Select the strip you want to remove.

  5. Press Remove.

  6. Press OK to close the SMART Settings window.

Also in this section

Setting up a tool strip

Setting up a custom icon strip

Changing the icon strip

Positioning the icon strip