You are here: Using your interactive product > Using SMART Tools > Using other tools > Using the Magnifier tool

Using the Magnifier tool

You can use the Magnifier tool during a presentation to draw attention to an area of the screen.


You can also magnify an area of a page using the Magic Pen (see Using Floating Tools).

To start the Magnifier tool

  1. Press the SMART Board icon in the notification area, and then select Other SMART Tools > Magnifier.


    If your computer isn’t currently connected to an interactive product, the SMART Board icon includes an X in its lower-right corner .

  2. Do the following:

    • To display a red border around the area displayed in the Magnifier dialog box, press .

    • To shade everything outside of this area, press .

    • To magnify a different area of the screen, press , and then drag the hand in the Magnifier dialog box to another area of the screen. Use this option if you want to magnify one area of the screen while continuing to work in other parts of the screen.


      Press , and then press the area of the screen you want to magnify. Use this option if you want to magnify the area of the screen you’re working in.

    • To move the Magnifier dialog box, press its title bar, and then drag it to another area of the screen.

To close the Magnifier tool

Also in this section

Using the Screen Shade tool

Using the Spotlight tool

Using the calculator

Using the Pointer tool

Using the Screen Capture toolbar