You are here: Using your interactive product > Working with SMART Ink > Writing or drawing with SMART Ink > Saving ink

Saving ink

You can save whatever you write on your interactive product’s screen with SMART Ink by taking a screen capture. You can also copy and save your notes as an object in another application.

To capture and save your ink notes

  1. Press Capture in the SMART Ink toolbar.

    The screen capture appears in the page area of your SMART software.

  2. Save your SMART software file.


    If you want to save your notes but don’t want to capture the entire screen, you can capture an area or a window using the Screen Capture toolbar (see your SMART software’s online Help for more information).

To save your ink notes as an object in another application

  1. Select the ink notes.

    A border appears around the ink notes.

  2. Press the arrow on the border.

    A Copy, Cut and Delete menu appears.

  3. Press Copy.

  4. Go to the application where you want to insert your ink notes, and then paste your notes.

    Your ink notes appear as an object.

Also in this section

Highlighting content

Manipulating ink

Erasing and clearing ink

Converting handwriting to text