Product icon Education Software 2013 Windows

Clearing pages

You can erase digital ink and delete individual objects from a page. You can also clear all objects or all digital ink objects from a page simultaneously.


You’re unable to clear objects locked in place (see Locking objects) or infinitely cloned objects (see Cloning objects). To clear all objects from a page, you must unlock all locked objects and clear the selection of Infinite Cloner on any infinitely cloned objects.

To clear all objects from the page

  1. If you haven’t done so already, display the page you want to clear.

  2. Select Edit > Clear Page.


    • This option is disabled if there are no objects on the page or if the objects are locked or infinitely cloned.

    • You can also select this option by doing one of the following:

      • Right-clicking the page

      • Pressing the page’s menu arrow in the Page Sorter

      • Pressing the page’s menu arrow while editing page groups (see Grouping pages)

      • Pressing Clear PageClear Page icon if it’s included on the toolbar (see Customizing the toolbar)

    • You can clear all objects from multiple pages at the same time. Select the pages’ thumbnails in the Page Sorter, press the menu arrow, and then select Clear Page.

To clear all digital ink objects from the page

  1. If you haven’t done so already, display the page you want to clear.

  2. Select Edit > Clear Ink from Page.


    • This option is disabled if there is no digital ink on the page or if the digital ink is locked or infinitely cloned.

    • You can also select this option by doing one of the following:

      • Right-clicking the page

      • Pressing the page’s menu arrow in the Page Sorter

      • Pressing the page’s menu arrow while editing page groups (see Grouping pages)

      • Pressing Clear InkClear Ink icon if it’s included on the toolbar (see Customizing the toolbar)

    • You can clear all digital ink objects from multiple pages at the same time. Select the pages’ thumbnails in the Page Sorter, press the menu arrow, and then select Clear Ink from Page.

Also in this section

Resetting pages