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Grouping pages

You can group pages in a file. This enables you to find a particular group quickly in the Page Sorter, and then display its pages. This is useful when there are a lot of pages in a file.

To create or edit a group

  1. If the Page Sorter isn’t visible, press Page SorterPage Sorter icon.

  2. Press the first group’s menu arrow, and then select Edit Page Groups.

    All the groups and pages for the current file are displayed. Groups appear as blue bars and pages appear as thumbnails:

    • If you created and edited the groups in this file, the pages appear under the blue bars you created and renamed.

    • If you haven’t edited the groups, a default group titled Group 1 appears and includes all of the pages and their thumbnails below its blue bar.


    Thumbnails below each blue bar include the same menu arrow options as thumbnails in the Page Sorter. This enables you to press a thumbnail in a group, select its menu arrow, and then delete the page, clear the page, insert a new page, clone the page, rename the page, add a Screen Shade to the page or add the page to the Gallery.

  3. Press the Add New Group button in the upper-right corner.

    A new group, with a new, blank page, appears.

  4. Type a new name for the group.

  5. Do the following:

    • To move a page into a group, press the page’s thumbnail, and then drag it below the group’s blue bar and to the right of the thumbnail you want it to follow.

    • To rearrange the order of pages in a group, press a page’s thumbnail, and then drag it to the right of the thumbnail you want it to follow.

    • To rearrange the order of groups, press a group’s blue bar, and then drag it below the blue bar of the group you want it to follow.


      • You can also change the order of the groups by pressing a blue bar’s menu arrow, and then selecting Move Up or Move Down.

      • SMART Notebook software numbers pages sequentially across a file. If you change the order of groups, SMART Notebook software renumbers the pages in the groups accordingly.

    • To delete a group and keep its pages, move all of its pages to different groups. When a group contains no pages, SMART Notebook software automatically deletes it.

    • To delete a group and all pages in the group, press the blue bar’s menu arrow, and then select Delete Group.

  6. PressClose icon.

To access a group in the Page Sorter

  1. If the Page Sorter isn’t visible, press Page SorterPage Sorter icon.

  2. Press the first group’s menu arrow, and then select the name of the group you want to access.

    The Page Sorter displays the thumbnail for the first page in the group you want to access.