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Writing equations

You can write equations on the page using pen tray pens (on interactive whiteboards) or a tethered pen and pen tool buttons (on interactive pen displays).


You can also insert equations using the Equation editor (see Inserting equations).

To write equations

  1. Press PensPens icon.

    The Pens tool buttons appear.

    Pens tool buttons

  2. Press Pen Types, and then select Pen.

  3. Select a line type.

  4. Write the equation on the interactive screen using the tips in the following sections.

  5. Press the equation’s menu arrow, and then select Recognize Math Ink.

    The equation appears surrounded by a blue border. A green circleGreen circle and a red circleRed circle appear below the equation.

  6. If the equation appears correctly, press the green circle.


    If your equation appears incorrectly, press the red circleRed circle, erase the equation and write it again. Don’t attempt to write over your original equation.

Tips for writing equations

Consider the following when you write equations:

Tips for writing trigonometric equations

Consider the following when you write trigonometric equations:

Tips for writing logarithmic equations

Consider the following when you write exponents, logarithms and geometric series:

Tips for solving multiple line equations

SMART Notebook Math Tools can solve some multiple-lined equations if you select all the equations, press the equation’s menu arrow, and then select Recognize Math Ink.