Creating a SMART Teacher File

The first time you start SMART Response, you need to create a SMART Teacher file where you save all of your class lists and assessment results. Your SMART Teacher file also enables your students to find and connect to your classes.

If needed, you can create additional SMART Teacher files after you create the initial one.

To create a SMART Teacher file the first time you use SMART Response

  1. Click the SMART Response icon in the Windows notification area or Mac menu bar, and then select the icon below the Teacher Tools heading.

The Welcome to Teacher Tools wizard appears.

NOTE: The wizard appears only if you haven't created a SMART Teacher file yet.

  1. Type a classroom name of one to eight characters, and then click Begin.

An Anonymous Mode window appears showing the classroom name.

NOTE: If a receiver isn't connected, a SMART Response isn't ready window appears. If you have a receiver, connect it now.

  1. Click Create a new SMART Teacher file and set up your class lists.

A Gradebook Information window appears.

  1. Type your name and other information into the text boxes. The Save button is unavailable until you provide the Last name information. The other information is optional.

  2. Click Save.

A Save As dialog appears.

  1. Type a file name, and then click Save to save the .teacher file.

The .teacher file saves and the Gradebook window appears displaying the teacher’s name.

To create an additional SMART Teacher file (after you've created the initial one)

  1. Start Teacher Tools in Gradebook view.

Teacher Tools appears.

  1. Select File > New.

The Gradebook Information screen appears.

  1. Type your information in the fields provided, and then click Save.

  1. Browse to the folder where you want to save your SMART Teacher file, and then click Save.