Adding Objects to Tables

After you insert a table on a page, you can insert objects into the table's cells, including freehand objects, geometric shapes, straight lines and arcs, text and graphic files.

NOTE: You can add only one object to each cell. If you want to add multiple objects to a cell, group the objects before inserting them into the table.

To add an object to a table

  1. Select the object.

  2. Drag the object to the table cell.

NOTE: You're unable to move an object if it's locked in place.

The object appears in the table cell.

NOTE: If you add a text object to a table, the cell resizes to fit to the text object. If you add other object types to the table, the object resizes to fit the cell.

To remove an object from a table

  1. Select the object.

  2. Drag the object out of the table.