
Saving Your Notes

You can write and draw notes in digital ink on your interactive screen. If you insert your notes into an Ink Aware program (that is, it's integrated with SMART Notebook), you can save your notes in the program. If you don't insert your notes or if a program is non-Aware, you can take a screen capture of your notes and the program.

Saving Your Notes in Ink Aware Programs

If a program is Ink Aware, whatever you write or draw on the interactive product becomes a component of the program file. Ink Aware software products include Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint software.

NOTE: You can view a list of Ink Aware programs in the SMART Notebook control panel.

You can save your notes in the program.

Alternatively, you can take a screen capture of your notes and the program. Each screen capture appears as an image in a file.

Saving Your Notes in Non-Aware Programs

If a program is non-Aware, whatever you write or draw on the interactive product appears on a transparent layer (sometimes referred to as an ink layer) over the current program. You can take a screen capture of your notes and the program.

NOTE: You can also customize the transparent layer to automatically save your notes.

To take a screen capture of your notes

Press Screen Capture in the upper right corner of the screen.

Each screen capture appears as an image in a file.

NOTE: If you want to save your notes but you don't want to take a screen capture of the entire screen, you can take a screen capture of an area or a window using the Screen Capture toolbar.