You are here: Using SMART Notebook > Creating and working with basic objects > Creating tables > Adding objects to tables

Adding objects to tables

After you insert a table on a page, you can insert objects into the table’s cells.


You can add only one object to each cell. If you want to add multiple objects to a cell, group the objects before inserting them in the table (see Grouping objects).

To add an object to a table

  1. Select the object.

  2. Drag the object to the table cell.


    You’re unable to move an object if it’s locked in place (see Locking objects).

    The object appears in the table cell.


    If you add a text object to a table, the cell resizes to fit to the text object. If you add other object types to the table, the object resizes to fit the cell.

To remove an object from a table

  1. Select the object.

  2. Drag the object out of the table.

Related User Help

Creating tables

Selecting tables, columns, rows or cells

Moving tables

Changing a table’s properties

Resizing tables, columns or rows

Adding or removing columns, rows or cells

Splitting or merging table cells

Adding or removing cell shades

Deleting tables