With SMART kapp iQ, you can write and erase notes two different ways. You can either write and erase directly on the SMART kapp iQ board, or if you’ve connected to the board using the SMART kapp app, you can write and erase notes in the app. The following sections provide more information about each method.
You can write and erase notes on the SMART kapp iQ board just like you do on a traditional dry erase board.
Use the black pen provided with the board to write or draw in black ink.
Use the red pen provided with the board to write or draw in red ink.
Use your finger to pan the whiteboard left or right to access more whiteboard space.
Use the eraser end of either pen to erase notes.
Use your fist or palm to erase notes.
Make sure your hands, arms and any loose clothing don’t touch the board’s surface as you write or erase notes.
Two users can write or draw notes at the same time, one using the black pen and the other using the red pen.