You are here: Configuring Microsoft Exchange settings > Checking registry values

Checking registry values

When you use the SMART Meeting Pro Settings dialog box to configure Microsoft Exchange, the following registry keys are automatically configured:

Use the following procedure to ensure that the correct registry values were assigned during the Microsoft Exchange configuration process.


Use caution when you open the Windows registry editor. If you incorrectly modify the Windows registry, you can damage your computer’s operating system. Back up your registry before performing the following procedures.

To check the registry key values

  1. Log on to the computer hosting SMART Meeting Pro software as an administrator.

  2. Select Start > Run.

    The Run dialog box appears.

  3. Type regedit and then click OK.

    The Registry Editor window appears.

  4. Use the following table to locate the appropriate key for your operating system.

    Operating system

    Folder location:

    Windows XP and Windows 7 (32-bit) operating system

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\SMART Technologies\SMART Meeting Pro\Version 3.1\MSExchange

    Windows 7 (64-bit) operating systems

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Wow6432Node\SMART Technologies\SMART Meeting Pro\Version 3.1\MSExchange

  5. Check the following registry key:




    SMART Meeting Pro software uses this registry key for the room e-mail address. This key is required and should contain the e-mail address of the meeting room in which SMART Meeting Pro software is installed.

    AuthUsername and AuthPassword

    If you selected the Use service account instead of logged-on user’s credentials option in the Microsoft Exchange tab, then registry keys exist for the service account logon name and password.

    AuthADServer and ConnURL

    If you didn’t select automatic detection of Microsoft Exchange Server and Active Directory server options during Microsoft Exchange configuration, then SMART Meeting Pro software will require Active Directory and Microsoft Exchange server addresses.