You are here: SMART Meeting Pro PE 4.1 Help > Beyond the basics > Sharing content using the Business Gallery > Finding and using content in the Business Gallery

Finding and using content in the Business Gallery

The Business Gallery contains items organized into folders. Select a folder to view thumbnail images of its items.

You can search for an item in the Business Gallery using the keyword search.

After browsing or searching for an item, you can add it to a Whiteboard page.

ClosedTo browse the Business Gallery

  1. If the Business Gallery isn’t visible, press GalleryGallery icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. Select a folder to display its contents.


    You can also expand or collapse a folder by pressing itsDown arrows orUp arrows buttons.

ClosedTo search the Business Gallery

  1. If the Business Gallery isn’t visible, press GalleryGallery icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. Type a keyword in the search box, and then press SearchSearch icon.

    The Business Gallery displays all content that contains the keyword.

ClosedTo add an item to a Whiteboard page

  1. If the Business Gallery isn’t visible, press GalleryGallery icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. Browse or search for the item.

  3. Drag the item’s thumbnail to the Whiteboard page.

ClosedTo close the Business Gallery