Using bookmarks

You can insert bookmarks as you pan and zoom pages in Unbound Workspace (see Panning and zooming pages). You can then navigate from one bookmark to another.

Inserting and managing bookmarks

You can insert a bookmark anywhere on a page and at any zoom level.

After inserting a bookmark, you can do the following:

ClosedTo insert a bookmark

  1. If radar view isn’t visible, press Show Radar ViewShow Radar View icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. Pan and zoom to the location where you want to insert the bookmark.

  3. Press Add BookmarkAdd Bookmark icon.

ClosedTo rename a bookmark

  1. If radar view isn’t visible, press Show Radar ViewShow Radar View icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. If the bookmark menu isn’t visible, press BookmarksBookmarks icon.

  3. Select the bookmark you want to rename.

  4. Press the bookmark’s name.

  5. Type a new name for the bookmark, and then press ENTER.


    If you don’t want to rename the bookmark, press CancelCancel icon instead of pressing ENTER.

ClosedTo change the order of bookmarks

  1. If radar view isn’t visible, press Show Radar ViewShow Radar View icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. If the bookmark menu isn’t visible, press BookmarksBookmarks icon.

  3. Drag a bookmark’s row up or down to change the bookmark’s order.

ClosedTo delete a bookmark

  1. If radar view isn’t visible, press Show Radar ViewShow Radar View icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. If the bookmark menu isn’t visible, press BookmarksBookmarks icon.

  3. Press the bookmark’s Delete BookmarkDelete Bookmark icon button.

Navigating bookmarks

You can navigate bookmarks two ways:

ClosedTo navigate bookmarks using the Next Bookmark and Previous Bookmark buttons

ClosedTo navigate bookmarks using the bookmark menu

  1. If radar view isn’t visible, press Show Radar ViewShow Radar View icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. If the bookmark menu isn’t visible, press BookmarksBookmarks icon.


    The bookmark menu contains a row for each bookmark on the page. The row displays the bookmark’s name and a thumbnail image showing the page contents marked by the bookmark.

  3. Navigate to a bookmark by pressing its thumbnail image.