You are here: Education Software 2015 Help > Maintenance and troubleshooting > Removing SMART software

Removing SMART software

SMART Support might ask you to remove existing versions of SMART software before you install new versions. You can do this using the SMART Uninstaller.

ClosedTo remove SMART software

  1. In Windows XP and Windows 7 operating systems, select Start > All Programs > SMART Technologies > SMART Tools > SMART Uninstaller.


    In Windows 8 operating system, go to the Apps screen and then scroll to and press SMART Uninstaller.

  2. Press Next.

  3. Select the check boxes of the SMART software and supporting packages that you want to remove, and then press Next.


    • Some SMART software is dependent on other SMART software. For example, if you select the SMART Notebook check box, SMART Uninstaller selects the SMART Response check box automatically because SMART Response software is dependent on SMART Notebook software.

    • SMART Uninstaller automatically removes any supporting packages that are no longer being used. If you choose to remove all SMART software, SMART Uninstaller automatically removes all supporting packages, including itself.


    • To select all software and supporting packages, press Select All.

    • To clear the selection of all software and supporting packages, press Clear All.

  4. Press Uninstall.

    SMART Uninstaller removes the selected software and supporting packages.

  5. Press Finish.