Changing Business Gallery settings

You can specify whether stock Business Gallery content is shown or hidden and change the default folder where added content is stored. You can also add additional content folders.

ClosedTo change Business Gallery settings

  1. Open the SMART Meeting Pro Settings dialog box (see Accessing SMART Meeting Pro Settings).

  2. Press the Gallery tab.

  3. Change settings:



    Notes (if any)

    Show Stock Content

    Select the check box to show stock content.


    Clear the check box to hide stock content.

    The Business Gallery contains an extensive collection of stock content, including templates for brainstorming, decision making and meeting management and shapes and icons for flow charts and notes. You can show this stock content while your organization develops its own content. After your organization has developed its own content, you can hide the stock content.

    Save Gallery content added by the user in

    Type the path to the folder where you want content added by users to be saved.


    Additional gallery folders

    To add a new content folder, press Add and then browse to and select the folder.

    To change an existing folder, select it, press Edit, and then browse to and select a new folder.

    to remove an existing folder, select it, press Delete, and then press Yes when prompted.

    To view the contents of an added folder, users must have permission to view the folder. Select a folder and click Properties to view its permissions and other properties.

  4. Press OK.