Using stock content

The Business Gallery contains an extensive collection of stock content, including templates for brainstorming, decision making and meeting management and shapes and icons for flow charts and notes. You can show this stock content while your organization develops its own content. After your organization has developed its own content, you can hide the stock content.


You or your system administrator can hide the stock content by default (see Changing Business Gallery settings).

ClosedTo show stock content

  1. If the Business Gallery isn’t visible, press GalleryGallery icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. Press GalleryDown arrow, and then select Show Stock Content.

ClosedTo hide stock content

  1. If the Business Gallery isn’t visible, press GalleryGallery icon on the SMART Business Toolbar.

  2. Press GalleryDown arrow, and then clear the selection of Show Stock Content.