You are here: SMART amp software Help > Workspaces > Using the workspace toolbar > Using the pan and zoom tools

Using the pan and zoom tools

When you open a workspace, the page area can be significantly larger than the area you can see. To navigate a workspace, use the Pan and Zoom tools.

Understanding the workspace area

When you open a workspace, the total workspace area is significantly larger than the initial view.

As you move around the workspace, it expands dynamically up to a size of roughly 4,000 pixels high by 6,000 pixels wide. For example, if you draw from the left to the right, the right side of the workspace expands as you draw while the available space on the left side shrinks. The boundary of the workspace is outlined in gray.

Once all users exit the file, the workspace repositions to exclude any explored areas that were left blank. For example, if you viewed the workspace to its upper limit but didn't put an object there, when you next open the file the workspace is centered on the used space, so you can now view the lower area of the workspace.


ClosedTo pan in your workspace

  1. Tap Pan on the toolbar.

  2. Tap the screen and drag to the area you want to view.


    You can also select an object with the Pan tool by tapping the object.


Tap ZoomZoom on the toolbar to open the radar view. The blue box indicates the current viewing area.

You can change the viewing area by dragging the blue radar view box to a different part of the workspace, or by using the zoom options at the bottom of the radar view.

  • Tap Zoom InZoom In to zoom in on an area of the workspace.

  • Tap Zoom OutZoom Out to zoom out.

  • Tap Zoom to Fit AllZoom 100 percent to see the entire workspace.

  • Tap Zoom to 1:1Zoom 1:1 to see the default zoom level.


  • On devices that support touch gestures, you can use the “pinch” gesture to zoom or pan around the workspace, or perform both actions simultaneously.

  • Drag the blue radar view box to navigate to a different part of the workspace.

  • If you’re viewing the workspace on a device that doesn’t have touch capability, it’s a good idea to pin the radar view to your workspace so that you can more easily view different areas of the workspace. See Pinning and unpinning a tab